#5 Adapting to COVID-19: West Coast Educational Adventures

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François-Xavier Gagnon, the owner of West Coast Educational Adventures shares his experience with COVID-19. 

What services/products does your company offer? Who are the customers of your company? 

We work in adventure tourism. We offer outdoor training: avalanche safety, leadership activities, sea kayaking, first aid in isolated regions, and canyoning. Our clients are schools, corporate groups and small individual groups.

How are you feeling as an entrepreneur during the COVID-19 crisis?

It’s pretty tough on our business, I lost 100% of my contracts with schools for April and May. We’re thinking of focusing on local tourism.

What steps has your company taken in response to COVID-19 to continue offering its services/products? 

I am focusing on developing a risk management plan for COVID-19. My game plan includes working with small groups, increasing the frequency of equipment cleaning, etc.

What have been the impacts (positive or negative) of the crisis on your business? 

The negative impact is the substantial loss of revenues. In terms of opportunities, this will surely allow me to develop local tourism during the summer. 

What are the lessons you will take from this situation in terms of managing your business?

Keep administrative costs as low as possible, be flexible, and put the company into “hibernation mode” easily.

Is your company still active?

Yes, but we don’t have any contracts in the short term.

Can you foresee a temporary or permanent shutdown of your business if the situation does not improve?

No! I can still hold on for another 6 months!

  • Who are you ?François-Xavier Gagnon, propriétaire
  • Company NameWest Coast Educational Adventures
  • Website: https://www.facebook.com/fxtheguide/posts
  • Business Sector: Adventure Tourism



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