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French-speaking entrepreneurs : Vegilante tempeh producer

Vegilante’s tempeh is a high-protein alternative to tofu or meat. Tempeh is

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Entrepreneurial words: Christian Héno and Movement Therapy

Since 2014, Christian has been teaching martial arts, meditation, Qi gong, and

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#5 Adapting to COVID-19: West Coast Educational Adventures

François-Xavier Gagnon, the owner of West Coast Educational Adventures shares his experience

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#4 Adapting to COVID-19: Brick’N’Cheese

Baptiste Petit, co-founder of Brick’N’Cheese, started his business at the beginning of

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#3 Adapting to COVID-19: Vancouver Better Office

Barbara Smyth, founder of Vancouver Better Office had to rethink her business

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#2 Adapting to COVID-19: Griottes Polyglottes

Ingrid, the French-speaking entrepreneur and founder of Griottes Polyglottes, shares how she

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#1 Adapting to COVID-19: Black Tie Property Services

Sébastien, founder and CEO of Black Tie Property Services, explains how his

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Entrepreneurial Words: Gaëtan Nerincx, photographer in BC

Gaëtan, who is based in British Columbia, decided to launch his photography

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The SDECB helps local businesses make diversity a growth asset

Inclusive workplaces are said to maximize innovation and productivity. Not convinced yet?

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