Entrepreneurial Words: Gaëtan Nerincx, photographer in BC

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Gaëtan, who is based in British Columbia, decided to launch his photography business in Vancouver in 2014. After several years of operations, he shares his experience as an entrepreneur with us.

How did you come up with the idea of starting your own business? 

I have been in British Columbia since 2013 but have already been working as a photographer in Belgium. When I arrived in Vancouver, I had to rebuild my network! It took several months of side jobs, but I quickly decided to launch my business so that I could put my talent to the benefit of the community.

What’s your biggest accomplishment?

It’s easier for me to climb mountains than to maintain my network, and I can’t say I’m good at marketing either. Therefore, my greatest accomplishment is to have been able to build a network through word of mouth and the satisfaction of my clients. It is also always an honor to see the fruit of my work get published everywhere, printed on banners, or shown in front of an audience.

Is balancing professional and personal life an issue for you?

I am a father of two (a two-year-old and a four-year-old) and I consider it very important to be there for them. There are of course times during the year when I am busier, or when my clients require me to travel. But the rest of the time, I manage my schedule around so that I can drive and pick up my daughter from preschool and come home for dinner with her. I also take advantage that summer is slower for my clients, so I can travel and go camping with the family. 

What has been your greatest challenge?

My biggest challenge is marketing! Being able to shout from the rooftops, “I have talent, I’m ready to work hard, call me”, doesn’t come naturally.

I like to take on photo and video projects from diverse clients, so I have difficulty targeting a particular audience. 

What advice would you give to people who want to start their own business?

If you have the talent and are willing to work hard, go for it! There is nothing more rewarding than being your boss. 

What lessons do you draw from your experience?

Human beings are naturally fearful of stepping into the unknown. When it comes to leaving the security of a salaried job to start a business, there are many unknowns. 

But in reality, if you have the talent and are willing to work hard, it’s enough to just trust life. So, this is the main lesson: to not worry about the future but to focus on giving your best every day. 

What was the role of the SDE in the creation or development of your business? Would you recommend the services of the SDE and why?

I had the opportunity to participate in the ARTSpreneurs mentorship workshop series organized by the SDE. My business had been running for a few years and my network had grown over time thanks to word of mouth, yet I had never actually taken the time to formally ask myself certain questions about my long-term goals or the organization of my business. These workshops have helped me see more clearly and know where to put my energy to grow my business as I wish. 

  • Name : Gaëtan Nerincx
  • Company name: Gaetan Nerincx Photography
  • Website: www.gaetannerincx.com
  • Courriel
  • Phone: 778-870-1925
  • Business Sector: Photography and Videography


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