June Café des affaires – Debriefing

This workshop is in french 

Le Café des affaires is your escape during a busy week, where you can exchange, energize, discover, and learn with other entrepreneurs, each at different stages of business development. These monthly meetings, led by Matthieu Giacri, take place during the second half of the month, on Saturdays from 8:30 am to 11 am, at the Maison de la francophonie de Vancouver, over a good breakfast!

Theme: The Debrief Before Summer

For this last meeting before the summer vacation, we offer a slightly different format:

  • First part: the usual business café, with coffee and croissants ($5)
  • Second part (optional): a brunch including 3 dishes of choice and 1 beverage, at the Coquette Brasserie restaurant ($15)

As entrepreneurs, you invest daily in your business. With the arrival of the holidays, it’s an opportunity to look together at how the past year has unfolded (achievements, difficulties, challenges…) and to think about actions you can take to continue on the path of success. During this business café, we will explore together how to simply assess the past year and set realistic goals to continue developing your business.

Objectives of this workshop-debrief:

  • Meet and exchange with other entrepreneurs and project leaders.
  • Find tips for easily assessing business activities.
  • Discover ways to set realistic goals to develop your business.


  • Special format: networking breakfast + brunch at La Coquette (2685 Arbutus Street, Vancouver)
  • Participation: $5 + $15
  • For any questions, please contact Matthieu Giacri: mgiacri@sdecb.com


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