Le Café des affaires : how to grow your business ?

Let’s discover strategies to grow and propel your business in a sustainable way together.

The Café des affaires returns in November for its second edition of the year.

The Café des affaires is your privileged moment to exchange, recharge, discover, and learn with other entrepreneurs, each at different stages of their business development. These meetings, led by Matthieu Giacri, take place every two months, during the second half of the month, on Saturday from 8:30 am to 11:00 am, at the Maison de la francophonie de Vancouver, over a good breakfast!

November 23 theme: Growth strategies for small businesses

Growing and developing your business is a challenging and exciting task, but it requires effort. Whether you’re just starting out or in expansion mode, join us to discover concrete and easy-to-apply tactics to boost your activities while preserving the quality of your services, team motivation, and financial stability. During this Café des affaires, we’ll share simple and effective strategies to help you grow your business sustainably, while remaining in control of your success. You’ll also leave with practical tools and a network of contacts to accelerate your growth!

Objectives of this workshop:

  • Meet and exchange with other entrepreneurs and project leaders.
  • Identify growth opportunities.
  • Understand the importance of setting up efficient processes to support progressive growth.


  • Participation: $5
  • In-person at Vancouver
  • For any questions, please contact Matthieu Giacri: mgiacri@sdecb.com


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