Le Café des affaires: How to identify your target clientele?

This event is in french

The Business Café is back! This year, we offer a bi-monthly format to take a break from your busy week. The Business Café is your privileged moment to exchange, recharge, discover, and learn with other entrepreneurs, each at different stages of their business development.

These meetings, led by Matthieu Giacri, occur every two months, during the second half of the month, on Saturday from 8:30 am to 11:00 am, at the Maison de la francophonie de Vancouver, around a good breakfast!

Theme: How to identify your target audience?

As an entrepreneur, identifying your target audience is a major challenge. Whether you’re launching your business or refining or redefining your market, correctly identifying your target audience is a key to the success of your activity. During this business café, we will see together the techniques for segmenting your market, targeting consumers, and defining your positioning based on targets with a goal, to help you focus your marketing efforts and maximize the impact of your business!

Objectives of this workshop:

  • Meet and exchange with other entrepreneurs and project leaders.
  • Understand the importance of a good customer targeting.
  • Discover how to use good techniques to identify your target audience.


  • Participation: $5
  • On-site in Vancouver
  • For any questions, please contact Matthieu Giacri: mgiacri@sdecb.com


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