Unleash your potential and enhance your creativity

This event is in English

In a world characterized by its speed and complexity, we are often swept away by a whirlwind of incessant activities. In this daily frenzy, it’s easy to give in to pressure, lose sight of our desires and fundamental objectives, and undermine our creativity.

Annie Peyton, a psychosociologist, conference speaker, and intuition specialist, invites you to explore the power of intuition and action in your daily life. During two conference-workshop sessions, Annie will show you how to bring more creativity, efficiency, and well-being into your life by releasing your potential and learning to trust yourself.

This event is co-organized and offered by the Chambre de commerce francophone de Vancouver (CCF Vancouver) and the Société de développement économique de la C.-B. (SDECB).

Part 1: Innovation and Creativity through Intuition – 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

This energizing conference-workshop is for those who want to better understand and discover their intuitive power to use it for innovation and creativity. Through a concrete and humorous approach, you will learn techniques to let your intuition guide you daily:

  • Distinguishing intuition from reason
  • Differentiating false from true intuitions and learning to trust yourself
  • Decoding your intuitive language to reduce anxiety
  • Using your intuition to maximize creativity

Part 2: From Desire to Action: A Workshop to Improve Your Well-being and Efficiency in Your Professional and Personal Life – 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm

During this dynamic conference-workshop, you will be invited to take a professional and personal inventory, clarify your objectives, and engage in action through a simple, concrete, and highly effective method! Led by Annie’s colorful and energetic personality, you will discover how to be more in harmony with your inner truth and clarify what makes you vibrate:

  • Breaking free from blocks that hinder success
  • Clarifying objectives and optimizing efficiency
  • Releasing potential and stimulating creativity
  • Creating a concrete action plan

Tariffs (options available):

  • Part 1: Conference-workshop from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (no meal included): $25
  • Part 2: Conference-workshop from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm (no meal included): $25
  • Part 1 & 2: Conference-workshops from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (meal included): $40

About Annie Peyton

Psychosociologist, conference speaker, and intuition specialist, Annie has been trained at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in London and at the University of Chicago with intuition specialist Sonia Choquette. She has also studied with renowned psychiatrist Brian L. Weiss and author Julia Cameron.

Originally from the artistic community, Annie has dedicated 20 years of her life to the television and entertainment industry, including a significant portion at Cirque du Soleil. Her theatrical studies, numerous stage performances, and passage at the Chicago Second City comedy school compose her unique creative background.

During her conferences and workshops, Annie aims to guide participants off the beaten path to foster the emergence of their creativity, increase their well-being, and help them realize their full potential.

More information: https://anniepeyton.ca/


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