SDE : Celebrating 20 Years in British Columbia

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The Société de Développement Économique de Colombie-Britannique is celebrating its 20th anniversary! Since 1998 we have been supporting innovation and initiative to provide B.C. entrepreneurs and businesses with a voice, a springboard, and the tools to succeed, all while fostering a sense of community with one another. This month, we’re taking time to celebrate some of the accomplishments we’ve shared together.

For the final logo in our 20th anniversary series, we keep it simple using our original colours. A supporting line showcases our years in operation “1998 – 2018”, and by highlighting “20” of the year “2018”, we subtly allude to our French roots with the “20e” standing out. Clever and clean, the 20th anniversary logo has been included in a range of SDE collateral celebrating our anniversary year.

Her Excellency, the Honorable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada in 2010, surrounded by representatives of the Canadian Foundation for the Dialogue of Cultures and BDS.

No Project Too Big or Too Small

Over 20 years, we’ve had the privilege of working on some monumental projects, such as the agrotourism pavilion at the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games, the Accent project (which greatly impressed the Governor General, Michaëlle Jean), the Atlas project—which put francophonie on the map by recognizing British Columbia’s francophone heritage, the Économusées we have supported in their launch… and so many more.

But for every large-scale project, there are hundreds of individual entrepreneurs and small business owners that we accompanied on their journey. Since 1998 we have trained more than 8,000 entrepreneurs, managers, and associations. We have answered more than 40,000 inquiries, participated in creating or managing no less than 3,000 companies, and generated investments totalling more than $45,000,000.

Whether we’re welcoming the world or bringing the world to your business, we have and will continue to support the Francophone and Francophile economy of British Columbia for the next 20 years and beyond.

Élan 2018: A celebration for the Francophone and Francophile entrepreneurs and organizations shaping the B.C. economy

We are so proud to be part of the B.C. francophone community, and most importantly to have contributed to its development and recognition. That is why this year, we will celebrate our journey together during the Élan Summit 2018. Organized in partnership with RDÉE Canada, the Élan Summit is a one-day seminar celebrating the Francophone and Francophile entrepreneurs and organizations of our province.

In addition to celebrating our diverse community, we will also be providing entrepreneurs with valuable insights on a host of issues including technology, innovation, immigration, Millennials, and sustainable development, along with concrete tools to undertake these challenges and stay competitive.

And because everyone likes a party, in the evening, we will celebrate our 20th anniversary during a cocktail reception organized with the Fédération des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique and RésoSanté, and the Gala des Lauriers de la PME 2018, an award ceremony organized by RDÉE Canada—the perfect event to close the day and recognize the entrepreneurial excellence of the francophone companies across B.C.

We have really conceived the Élan Summit with our mission in mind, which is to always support and help out the Francophone and Francophile business community of the province, and we hope to see many of you there on September 11 at Hotel Pinnacle!

We would like to thank our funders for their invaluable support: Western Economic Diversification Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada.

For more information on Élan Summit, please visit the official website.

Looking Forward

Over the last 7 months, we’ve had the privilege of telling SDE’s story through a series of blog posts and commemorative logos. It’s been an amazing journey, and with so many wonderful memories, we can’t help but be excited for what the next 20 years will bring. We look forward to all the entrepreneurs and organizations we have yet to support, the ambitious projects we’ll take on, and most of all, the attention we can bring to the Francophone and Francophile economy in British Columbia.

If you or someone you know are going to help, say hello !


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