SDE FAM: Supporting Francophone Women in Business

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An SDE initiative that we’re extremely proud of is Femmes d’affaires en Mouvement (FAM), our Business Women in Motion network. In honour of Women’s Day on March 8, we are celebrating the launch of our network that humbly began in 2004, at the request of four Vancouver businesswomen.

This month’s SDE logo is using FAM’s branding, which was developed in 2011. It was as a way to give the group its own identity and presence among the services offered at SDE.

Where It All Began

FAM initially started as a small group of women who got together once a month to chat about business. Popularity grew quickly, and so, a year after its creation, SDE decided to take a more structured approach and expanded the group’s offerings. Momentum hasn’t slowed down and we’re proud to say that today, the four-member group has grown to include 284 francophone businesswomen!

Strength in Numbers

The FAM exists to bring together women entrepreneurs to strengthen their skills, contribute to economic development, and learn from each other. Monthly workshops allow members to learn and get direct access to experts, and our mentoring sessions foster a comfortable and positive environment for our members to share their experiences and struggles. Finally, the networking and commercial exchanges provide a way to connect, network, and create business opportunities. By supporting one another, we make each member stronger and we pave the way for a vibrant community of successful female francophone entrepreneurs in British Columbia.

Meet Some of our Lovely Members

What better way to showcase the effect that FAM has had on our members than by hearing from the members themselves:

“We enriched each other. It is nice to work every week on a deadline and a goal and present our achievement to the other mentees the following week. The structure, the positivity and the fun environment are some of the key words describing the FAM group.”

– Mathilde Fabry, Petit Loulou

“Without the help and support from SDE I would not be in business today. FAM network has guided, helped and encouraged me from the beginnings. On top of the knowledge I acquired at the monthly meetings, I was able to network with other francophone women. SDE’s help and FAM network were crucial for my business.”

– Myorei  Zeraffa, Zen Center of Vancouver

We look forward to many more success stories in the decades to come. Should you or someone you know be interested in becoming a member of FAM, just send us an email at:


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