Entrepreneurial Words: Sylvie Allouche, entrepreneur since 2001!


Since 2001 Sylvie Allouche has been a personal development coach. The opportunities offered to her have allowed her to practice her profession in many different countries. Today, from her office in North Vancouver, she shares her entrepreneurial experience!

How would you describe yourself?

I am a very caring and dynamic person. I have a real passion for people and place all my experiences and energy at their service to help them overcome their unconscious obstacles and achieve success and well-being. I truly feel privileged of doing such a rewarding job.

What has been a turning point in your career?

After 4 years as an independent Coach in France, the big turning point in my entrepreneurial career was my expatriation to China! In addition to settling in the megalopolis of Shanghai, it also meant finding a way to practice my profession with a population of expatriates living in extremely stressful situations and a totally unknown environment with many daily constraints. This proved to be a very enriching experience given the creation of Shanghai Coaches, as well as the co-animation of many personal development workshops all in a matter of 5 years.

What obstacles did you have to overcome?

I arrived in Vancouver 9 years ago, right after Shanghai, with 9 years of experience in my profession as an NLP Coach, yet without any personal or professional network. I quickly realized that word of mouth did not work like in China or recommendations from professionals like in France. I had to begin from scratch and rebuild what I had in Shanghai and France, as well as create a new website in order to adapt to an increasingly young clientele.

What lessons do you draw from your experience?

Oh, there are so many! I would say that being authentic and honest is always the solution and that being in a dynamic of constant learning allows continual growth, but also to adapt to the beautiful surprises that life presents us with.

What is your biggest accomplishment?

Witnessing the development of my clients. Always. The transformations are so big and lasting. It’s magic!

What are your plans for the future of your business?

I have a big project of creating digital coaching products. This has been underway for several years and should be available certainly in 2020. I would like to offer something innovative and effective to allow as many people as possible to take small steps on this magnificent journey of personal development.

Questions relating to the SDÉCB

What role did the SDECB take in the creation or development of your business?

The SDECB was the first organization I encountered when moving in 2010. I’ll admit I got lost in the premises of the Maison de la Francophonie! Once at the SDECB, I quickly joined the FAM group (Femmes d’Affaires en Mouvement) where I found professional partners, clients, learning opportunities, support, and good humor. I had the pleasure of leading various workshops, which were a great way of sharing my experience. 

Would you recommend the services of the SDÉCB and why?

I always recommend the SDECB because learning during workshops and events is a great way to progress, meet people, get out of your comfort zone, be surprised, and create beautiful professional relationships.

What can we expect from you in the future?

To develop the digital part of my business with my products, online workshops, Instagram stories, and many other novelties! Being 54 today is a strength because I draw on a lot of experience and learning, as well as face the challenges of digital marketing.

  • Name: Sylvie Allouche
  • Company Name: Sylvie ALLOUCHE
  • Website: www.sylviecoachpnl.com
  • Business Sector: Personal Development


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